Venalisa 3 in 1 Gellac - base coat, colour and top coat combined in one product!
Discover the perfect fusion of nail polish and UV gel in one product.
The 3 in 1 Gellac is as easy to apply as a nail polish, but lasts up to 2 weeks, much longer than a conventional nail polish.
Step 1 - Preparation
File the natural nail into the desired shape and buffer it slightly with the buffer.
To achieve a better hold, apply a thin layer of CANNI Primer and let it air dry for a short time.
Step 2 - Apply Venalisa 3 in 1 gellac
Apply a thin layer of the desired Venalisa 3 in 1 Gellac paint and allow to dry for 120 seconds under the LED/ UV lamp
Repeat the process again - done!